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can be used with single board computers (SBC)
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Besides standard desktop and laptop computers, SR A/D systems can also be used
with small single board computers (SBC). Because of their small size,
SBCs are often a good match as a host computer for field boxes that must
withstand harsh physical environments.
Symmetric Research offers USBxCH software
containing an extensive BeagleBone Black (BBB) example and supplies a
version compiled to run on the ARM processor used by the BBB. Although we
do not sell SBCs or finished field boxes, we have successfully experimented
with such systems and are happy to give suggestions to customers wanting to
build their own.
• USBxCH/BBB Example Photo Tour
You can take short tours of various USBxCH/BBB assemblies by clicking
on the photos below.
Enclosure USBxCH/BBB
Adapter USBxCH/BBB
Field Box USBxCH/BBB
• Choosing an SBC
The first consideration is selecting the SBC as many are available.
We strongly recommend the BBB rev C
for use with the USBxCH and SERxCH as it has proven reliable in our tests.
SR does NOT provide support for any other SBCs.
Although they may work with the USBxCH and SERxCH, customers are on their own
when using them. Comments on various SBCs are given below.
SBC Comments |
BeagleBone Black, Rev C |
The BBB Rev C is small, measuring 2" x 3",
with a typical web price of $65. It also comes with a
full Debian Linux preinstalled!! And uses separate USB and Ethernet
buses making it free from contention errors common with many other SBCs.
Raspberry Pi (RPi) |
Older RPi SBCs use a shared USB and Ethernet
controller bus which leads to collisions and will cause trouble
with the USBxCH. The original RPi RS232 serial port is also
known to send a spurious start bit each time it is opened and is not ideal
with the SERxCH. Finally it uses a specialized "small Linux" distribution.
NOT recommended
PC104 and Mini-ITX |
The PC104 and Mini-ITX standards are older
form factors which only define the board size. So there is a confusing
array of capabilities and non-standard connectors. These are being
phased out in favor of the more recent BBB and RPi.
NOT recommended
Angstrom Beagle |
The Rev B BBB uses an unusual Angstrom Linux OS
and has been replaced by the more capable and standard Rev C.
NOT recommended
• Packaging with a USB4CH A/D
A second consideration is how to conveniently package the BBB with the USBxCH.
There are two main methods.
One is to put both BBB and USBxCH in enclosures and
strap the enclosures together. Velcro can make a good strap.
The second is to work with bare boards and spacers. In this case, an adapter
plate with two sets of holes is needed. One set should match the USBxCH mounting
holes while the other matches the BBB mounting holes.
Regardless of which method is chosen, most will want to install the USBxCH/BBB
combo into a weatherproof box. Seahorse, Pelican, Apache and others are
commonly available and can be researched on the web.